Surround Yourself with Success: Absorb Greatness on Your Epic Quest for Online Business Success

Successful people surround themselves with success.

In the realm of online business, where the path to success winds through uncharted territories, we, intrepid entrepreneurs, are akin to brave adventurers venturing forth into the unknown. As we journey through the unexplored landscapes, we begin to understand the profound impact our surroundings have on our very being.

Just as your body adapts to its environment, your entrepreneurial spirit assimilates the essence of what surrounds it. Just imagine being stranded at sea and the danger of drinking seawater – your cells attempting to balance the salt content, leading to dehydration. Similarly, we, too, tend to absorb and equalize with the influences surrounding our online ventures.

Man drinking water by the sea

In the pursuit of higher levels of online business success, freedom, and fulfillment, we must consciously align ourselves with the right influences. Just as wise adventurers seek like-minded companions, powerful artifacts, and seasoned mentors in their journeys, we, too, must surround ourselves with three pivotal elements:

  1. The Mastermind Guild: Journeying with Like-Minded Companions
  2. Scrolls of Inspiration: Media that Ignites Your Spirit
  3. Guiding Wizards: Mentors Illuminating the Path to Success

In this epic quest of self-discovery, we shall delve deeper into each of these elements, unearthing the treasures they hold and unlocking the secrets that will propel us towards greatness.

Ring from lord of the rings

The time has come to venture forth into the unexplored realms of success and embrace the adventure that awaits us!

The Mastermind: Forge Alliances with Like-Minded Champions

In the epic realm of online business, success is best achieved alongside like-minded companions.

Take a moment to evaluate the people you spend most of your time with. Do they inspire and encourage you to reach your online business goals? Are they striving for similar aspirations?

To conquer the online business realm, you need allies who not only share your ambitions but who also push beyond your limits, understand your vision, and fuel our drive.

What is a Mastermind?

The concept of a mastermind was popularized by Napoleon Hill’s legendary tome Think and Grow Rich.

A mastermind is a group of people who meet regularly in order to achieve similar goals.

Thus, a mastermind offers a realm of collective knowledge and experience, where successful business people unite to share insights, brainstorm strategies, and hold one another accountable to their goals.

In a mastermind, you present your quests and dilemmas, and your fellow members, drawing from their own triumphant tales, provide valuable counsel. The collective wisdom enhances each member, fortifying them with the strength of many.

We are all gifts to each other, and my own growth as a leader has shown me again and again that the most rewarding experiences come from my relationships.
Michael Dell

Powerful things come out of these masterminds — even with just two people! Yet, ideally, a group of 5 to 6 members embarks on this epic journey, and a well-organized mastermind can unite up to 9 power players who support and uplift one another on the path to victory.

Learn from the Best

In the realm of online business, there is a wisdom shared by the wise: never be the smartest person in the room.

Let me share a truly inspiring story with you. It’s about a guy who loved playing basketball and wanted to become really good at it.

During his high school days, he lived near a naval base where college-aged military guys played basketball. Every time he stepped onto that court, he faced players who were better than him in every way.

But guess what? Instead of being intimidated or discouraged, he saw this as a golden opportunity to learn from the best. He didn’t shy away from playing with these seasoned players.

In fact, he embraced the challenge, playing with them day after day. Despite facing defeat, he absorbed their moves and strategies like a sponge. Over time, he grew mentally and skillfully.

He began to see the game in a whole new light. The challenges that once seemed insurmountable became stepping stones to his growth. He trained harder, focused on honing his skills, and adapted to become a better player.

Through this relentless pursuit of improvement, the small high school kid transformed into a formidable basketball player. He bridged the gap between his abilities and those of his opponents through sheer determination and the wisdom he gained from playing with these giants of the game.

Basketball players at sunset

The lesson here is powerful: Surround yourself with people who are more experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable than you. As a member of such a mastermind, you will grow at an astounding pace, making you a force to be reckoned with.

Overcome Your Ego

The journey of online entrepreneurship often challenges us to overcome our ego, that nagging voice that resists acknowledging our weaknesses or blind spots.

Cat with ego seeing lion in the mirror

The truth is, we don’t want to feel like we’re inadequate, we don’t want a spotlight shined on our weaknesses or blindspots. It can be very uncomfortable!

So accept the fact that you’re not perfect. No person can be the shining star at everything.

Remember, even heroes have their vulnerabilities, but there is power in accepting them and seeking growth.

No one can do it alone. To unlock your fullest potential, you have to surround yourself with diverse talents and shed the shackles of pride.

Overcome Herd Mentality & Find Your Own Tribe

To succeed, we must find the right tribe — a community of like-minded visionaries striving to elevate one another. We are social beings, and our survival instincts thrive within a supportive group.

Even as cave men, some of us hunted, some gathered, some took care of the children. Thus, the group survives as a whole.

Still, we must be vigilant, for herd mentality can hold us back if we surround ourselves with naysayers and pessimists.

It’s just like when a cow trots away from the group, the other cows will start making noises as if to say, “No! Come back! It’s not safe out there!”

Cow herd

Picture a brave soul seeking to break free from the corporate 9-to-5 to embark on an online venture. Yet, the echoes of warnings and fears from colleagues beckon them back to the safety of the herd. Just like the cows, their colleagues would essentially say “Come back!” with refrains like “Don’t you know 9 out of 10 businesses fail?” How many potential entrepreneurs falter under the weight of conformity?

Break free from the herd, and discover your own tribe – a group of kindred spirits who embolden you to transcend your limits and make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality.

No Longer Alone: Forming Empowering Connections

If you are starting out on this journey alone, you can find solace in a mastermind of like-minded entrepreneurs. You don’t have to feel alone!

Adventure group

Maybe you don’t have anyone at the moment to talk about your entrepreneurial vision. Or, if you do confide in those around you, they just don’t understand what you want to do or say it’s risky. This can be highly discouraging.

Instead, mastermind alliances breathe life into your entrepreneurial vision, transforming it from a solitary pursuit into a collective force of inspiration and encouragement.

As an introverted entrepreneur, I embarked on my quest by immersing myself in podcasts and books about online business. Then, a courageous decision to step outside my comfort zone led me to in-person meetups and an online community of like-minded visionaries.

It was a transformative experience! Meeting individuals on the same path, sharing their victories and struggles, ignited a fire within me. Instead of merely reading about success in books, I began to implement my entrepreneurial vision, guided by the empowering connection with others who understood my ambitions.

Group of people working towards the same goals

Shift Your Thinking and Protect Your Dreams

To seize this newfound power, embrace a paradigm shift in your social circle. Surround yourself with those who champion your dreams and aspirations.

You need to change who you spend time with, who you speak with about your dreams.

That’s not an elitist thing, it’s just about protecting your dreams. Hang out with people who support them!

Sometimes, that might even mean losing friends — who weren’t really your friends to begin with.

Myself, I don’t talk anymore with anyone from high school. I also limit how much I talk to with certain family members. Instead, I hang out with as many great people as I can.

How to Start a Mastermind

The internet offers numerous opportunities to join or form an online mastermind. Platforms like can help you find groups and meetups that align with your interests.

There is no need to travel vast distances. One like-minded person in your vicinity can kickstart your mastermind journey. Alternatively, you can join virtual groups and connect via Skype or Google Hangout.

I recommend meeting every week for at least an hour, as you and your newfound allies pow-wow, share breakthroughs, and motivate each other.

A third option is a forum-like group. This would be another place where people can ask questions or share when something exciting is happening in their business.

(Should I start such a group? Please contact me and let me know you’re interested!)

Take this leap today: Make it a goal to find one person to start a mastermind with.

The Power of Motivating Media: Elevate Your Mindset

Fueling your mind with uplifting content is the key to unlocking inspiration and greatness.

Sensationalist Media Dragging Us Down

In a world filled with television, news, and internet content vying for our attention, we must tread carefully when choosing what to let into our minds.

Most of today’s news seems soaked in sensationalism, fixating on the negative and the bad.

Yet, in reality, the world is actually really awesome right now!

Examine the sources of media you consume: Do they elevate you or pull you down? Do they inspire you or make you feel hopeless?

Your time, energy, and attention are precious resources; spend them wisely on things that truly enrich your life.

Sometimes, people are baffled when I tell them I don’t watch the news or own a TV. “How will you know what’s happening in the world?” they ask. Somehow, I still know! If something really important is happening, I’ll find out through friends and snippets of social media.

Be Selective to Work Hard, Play Hard

Success demands selectivity in our media consumption.

There are only 1440 minutes in a day, and each minute spent on social media, browsing the internet, or watching YouTube is a minute we can’t devote to our business.

The thought of these 1440 minutes motivates me to resist the temptation of wasting time.

Of course, indulge in movies and shows—downtime is essential! But remain conscious of their impact on your life and progress.

Sometimes, trading a couple of hours of TV for business development is a wise decision. By being intentional and selective, you get maximum enjoyment while advancing swiftly toward our goals.

Listen On The Go What Helps You Right Now

Turn your commute into a source of inspiration by listening to podcasts or audiobooks that educate and motivate you. Your car becomes a sanctuary of learning through educational materials—it’s the Automobile University!

Personally, I use even the time I cook, exercise, or shop for groceries this way.

By doing the same, you immerse yourself in a continuous stream of education, inspiration, and motivation, propelling you forward.

Even when life presents challenges, you can tell yourself, “At least I have this motivating media to turn to!”

However, remember that consuming information for success should lead to immediate action. Don’t get lost in material that’s five or ten steps ahead just because it’s shiny or novel. Don’t avoid action by drowning in more learning. Embrace the concept of Just in Time Learning, where knowledge drives you to take meaningful steps forward.

Finding a Mentor: Guiding You Through Unfamiliar Terrain

Find someone who has been where you want to be and will help you get there.

Like a seasoned explorer, a mentor illuminates the path, helping you navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

Lord of the rings gandalf

Embrace the Need for a Guide

Starting out in the online business world can be overwhelming as you find yourself in unfamiliar terrain. You might be trapped in a monotonous job, but as the allure of online business beckons, you’re left pondering, “What now?”

Good news: I’m here for you!

I want to be the voice that responds, guiding you through the treacherous landscape. Together, we’ll share the map that led me through the pitfalls, allowing you to deftly sidestep or surmount them.

That’s the reason I started Fae Tools: I want to build and attract an audience of people who are in the same position I was. And still am, considering that I’m building more businesses and still learning new things.

As your mentor, I will be your compass, encouraging you and casting light upon the best path forward.

Compass journey adventure

Overcoming Resistance to Finding a Mentor

Seeking a mentor can trigger resistance in some.

You might be asking:

  • How can I find a mentor I can trust?
  • Is a mentor going to cost me money?
  • Is it worth the money?
  • Can’t I just find the information for free?

This section will help you answer those questions and put your doubts to rest.

Finding Trustworthy Mentors

Trust is paramount in mentorship. Start by exploring their free content to get a feel for their values, aspirations, and past achievements.

Gauge if the mentor’s vision aligns with yours and if they can deliver on what they promise you. A sense of confidence in their genuine concern for your growth indicates a trustworthy match.

The Value of Mentorship

Investing in education is inevitable. Whether you pay for a mentor or stumble through the same trials and errors, learning comes at a cost.

Either you pay the money to have a mentor or spend much time and money making the experience they made and paying the same dues and misspending money going down the wrong path.

Education money balance

Instead, having a mentor by your side streamlines your journey, guiding you through the shortest and most effective route.

Recognizing the Investment

A mentor’s time is precious. They’ve devoted years to acquiring knowledge, making mistakes, and investing in their education. When you pay for mentorship, you gain access to a wellspring of wisdom and insight.

Their guidance enables you to skip steps, granting you an insider’s advantage. What might have taken them five years, you can achieve in five months, driven by their expertise.

Person helping another get on top of a mountain

This investment is not merely an expense; it’s an investment in your own growth and success and a true value exchange.

A good mentor will help you make the money back through your business in no time.

Filtering the Noise & Zoning in on Priorities

While the internet is brimming with valuable information, sifting through the noise can be arduous. Mentorship transcends raw data; it encompasses experience and guidance, helping you separate the wheat from the chaff.

The deluge of information can paralyze you with analysis paralysis, hindering action.

A mentor acts as a skilled filter, silencing the clamor of conflicting advice. They’ll identify the most crucial steps for your progress, guiding you towards your next focus. Amidst myriad options, they’ll pinpoint the #1 priority demanding your attention.

Adventurer pointing towards a mountain

Embracing an Outside Perspective

Let me share a story that perfectly illustrates the importance of an outside perspective.

This tale revolves around an amateur musician I know, deeply passionate about music. At one point, he found himself in a band with his wife, and their potential was truly remarkable.

As they ventured into creating a CD, he wholeheartedly believed in his ability to be a self-sufficient creative force. He thought about himself, “I’m an artistic island; all I need is my own creativity. I’m the songwriter, and I know exactly how to produce our music, add the perfect effects in the studio, and make it sound extraordinary.”

He had lots of confidence and also some skill. However, amidst his self-assuredness, he learned a valuable lesson—something that forever changed his perspective. He realized the significance of setting aside pride and seeking the guidance of a producer.

Concentrated music producer

You see, a producer offers a crucial gift—an outsider’s perspective on your art. This holds true not only in the realm of music but also in the world of business. Sometimes, when we are deeply involved in a project, we become too close to it to see its flaws or areas for improvement.

Under the producer’s guidance, the musician’s songs underwent a profound transformation. The producer’s fresh insights and seasoned expertise breathed new life into their music, taking it to heights they could have never reached alone. Moreover, the producer connected them with a top-notch studio, elevating their sound to professional levels.

Reflecting on this experience, the musician said, “I’ve learned an invaluable truth—I need that outside perspective, be it from a producer or a mentor. Their presence has consistently elevated my creativity and results in ways I couldn’t have achieved on my own.”

In business, just as in music, embracing an outside perspective can lead to extraordinary growth and success. A mentor’s guidance becomes the compass that steers you towards brilliance, enhancing your endeavors beyond measure.

Summary: Benefits of Mentorship

A mentor’s presence enhances every aspect of your entrepreneurial journey. They expose pitfalls, unleash your hidden potential, provide course corrections, and eradicate blind spots.

Overcoming resistance to finding a mentor is essential, as their guidance filters the noise and focuses your efforts effectively.

They’ll connect you with invaluable resources, surmounting obstacles that might otherwise take months to overcome.

Take Action: Elevate Your Surroundings

So now it’s time to take action.

Assess Your Circle: Surround Yourself with Supportive Allies

Begin by evaluating the people you spend most time with. Consider these questions:

  • Do they genuinely support your goals?
  • Are they reaching for similar goals?
  • What do you spend time doing with them?
  • How do they spend their time?
  • How does your time together influence your mindset and progress?

Make conscious adjustments as needed. Simply start by limiting time with people that don’t go in the direction you are going now.

While it may not be necessary to sever ties with long-time friends, maybe you do need to ax someone if they are being completely and totally negative. Those people unfortunately never come around.

Sometimes, you even need to limit time with family members. One successful online entrepreneur was at the height of his game — people were coming to town just to meet him! However, his family members were still asking him, “So what is this internet stuff about?” over and over in a rude and negative manner.

So he decided not to spend time with them. To quote him: “I’m not gonna explain for a 100th time when I know they are just trying to be negative about it rather than really asking.”

Join or Form a Mastermind: Unleash the Power of Collective Growth

The next action step is to join or create a mastermind group with like-minded individuals. Just make it a goal to find at least one person to start masterminding with.

The collective knowledge and unwavering support within such a group can propel you toward unprecedented success. Take that leap of faith and connect with others who share your aspirations—you’ll be amazed by the growth you can achieve together.

Curate Your Media Consumption: Elevate Your Mindset with Motivating Content

Next, take inventory of the media you consume. Are you watching the news? What kind of books are you reading? What other media are you consuming?

While downtime is essential, the majority of your media diet should uplift and inspire you. Minimize exposure to negative news and energy-draining content.


Instead, focus on motivating media that educates and guides you along your path forward to your goals.

Feel free to completely stop consuming news. And trust me: when you come back after taking time off from it, the president is still going to be a jerk, the finances are still going down the drain, and the world is about to end — it’s always been this way since there was news, so you’re not missing much!

Find a Mentor: Accelerate Your Progress with Guided Expertise

Finally, find a mentor that aligns with your goals and your values and who has already been where you want to be.

Take the necessary steps to engage with them, even if it means paying for their time or providing value in return. A mentor’s guidance and experience will catapult your growth, enabling you to achieve your goals with greater speed and precision.

Let a mentor illuminate your path to success as you follow in their footsteps, and watch how taking action elevates your journey to new heights.

Summary: How to Be Surrounded by Success

In summary, here are the key steps to elevate your path to success:

  1. Evaluate Your Circle: Take stock of the people you surround yourself with. Assess if they support your goals and share similar aspirations. Make intentional changes to spend more time with positive and like-minded individuals.
  2. Embrace the Mastermind: Join or form a mastermind with like-minded people. Even a small group can offer collective wisdom, support, and inspiration to help you achieve your objectives.
  3. Curate Your Media Diet: Consciously monitor the media you consume. Limit exposure to negative content and prioritize motivating media that enlightens and empowers you on your journey.
  4. Find a Guiding Mentor: Seek a mentor who aligns with your goals and values. Invest in their expertise and guidance, knowing that their insights will accelerate your progress toward success.

By following these steps, you are taking action to elevate your surroundings and set yourself on a path to greatness.

And remember, as a Fae Tools reader, you are already on the path to mentorship, benefiting from the knowledge and guidance shared through this blog.

Soon, I will start forming a Fae Tools community which would be a great way for you to surround yourself with like-minded people. Stay tuned.

If you hang out with chickens, you’re going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you’re going to fly.
— Steve Maraboli