Intro: Tools for People with a Mission for a Better Life & World + Value Cycle


Hi, I’m Mark from!

If you are listening to this, it means the experiment was successful: At Fae Tools, we have just rolled out a new feature that allows you to easily publish a podcast!

Tools for People With a Mission

But let’s start at the beginning. At Fae Tools, we create tools for people with a mission.

We will handle all the technical stuff so you can focus on what you love. We want you to fully focus on creating value, building an empire, serving customers, spreading knowledge, sharing your beliefs, and achieving your dreams.

We cater mostly to online entrepreneurs, people whose mission it is to earn financial freedom by creating value for others and improving the world.

Though what your mission is doesn’t matter: If you have an idea how to make the world a better place using our tools, we’re certainly here for you.

The Value Cycle

So our mission is to help you create value. We firmly believe in the value cycle.

When you operate on this principle, the value cycle, it means that you provide value for people. When you do that, you get value in return — in terms of attention, feedback, referrals, and eventually, money.

As someone once said: “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

That’s a principle I not only teach, but act on myself.

For example, why should you listen to this podcast? I will give you value in terms of online business advice, as someone who has been running an online business since 2015. I want to empower you to start your own online business and be successful beyond your dreams.

I don’t expect anything from you in return. That’s key by the way, if you want to operate on the value cycle principle. You give, give, give, and then ask.


Why am I doing this? I’ve been frustrated with the tools that are available for online entrepreneurs. At a certain point, my initial business just ceased to be fun.

Since I’m also a full-stack developer, I decided to automate literally everything that can be automated. I built it primarily for myself but now I’m also giving it to you.

I want the building of businesses to be FAE — fun and easy. Hence, Fae Tools. Fae is also another word for a fairy, so you could say I’m doing all the magic in the background while you focus on your craft.

In addition, I want you to have the psychological tools — the mindset — to achieve your dreams. I’m super passionate about teaching and helping out budding entrepreneurs.

I recently had a chat with someone who had some very unique and useful talents, as well as a truly amazing story and lifestyle that he could make a business out of and he didn’t even realize it – so I’d love your ideas to come to life as well so I might be your customer one day.

Starting Is Easy

Now back to the bit about the podcast feature. I’m recording this on my phone — super easy. As soon as I’m done, I will upload the audio file, add it to the Fae Site system and voilà, a new episode is published.

See, I don’t like any friction when I create content. And I want to help you to not get stuck as well. I want you to start on your online business today.

Please go visit and sign up to create your own Fae Site and the online business coaching program we have available.

If you’re unsure, have any questions, want to start an online business or need more automation in your existing business, just write to me at

By the way, right now we have a free offer for anyone who wants to become a beta tester of the Fae Site system. We will give you a fully working, 100% SEO optimized website, hosting included, if you’d just be willing to just provide a little bit of feedback. Again, — I can’t wait to see what you will do.