The 5 Freedom Factors: Establishing a Business that Embodies Freedom, Fulfillment, and Adventure

If you’re longing for a fulfilling online business that brings you true freedom, it all begins with envisioning your ideal lifestyle. Without a clear vision of the life you desire, without a lifestyle to strive towards, your chances of success are diminished, and you may find yourself trapped in yet another job you dislike.

So together, let’s create a world of freedom and possibility—a world where you have the power to design a life of freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment. In this journey, we’ll explore the concept of a “Freedom Business,” a venture that empowers you to live life on your terms and create the lifestyle you desire.

Lifestyle of freedom ship steering wheel

In my previous post, Lifestyle Design: Building a Business That Gives You Freedom, Fulfillment and Purpose, I emphasized the importance of defining your ideal lifestyle and aligning your business with it. Now, in this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into the first pillar of lifestyle design: the “Freedom Factors.” Coined by my mentors Jeremy Frandsen and Jason van Orden, these factors are the key to achieving and savoring different types of freedom in life.

Your Freedom Factors represent specific ways to achieve and enjoy different types of freedom in life. By answering key questions, you’ll gain clarity on the five most important types of freedom.

If you are more artistically inclined, consider drawing out your answers or creating a dream board. Feel free to also record your answers or discuss them with a trusted friend.

Let’s explore the five Freedom Factors that will pave the way to your ultimate lifestyle freedom!

The 5 Freedom Factors: Discover Different Types of Freedom

Financial Freedom: Abundant Opportunities for Living Life on Your Terms

Financial freedom unlocks a world of possibilities, granting you the power to make more choices and take action on your own terms.

Let’s be clear: achieving financial freedom doesn’t require you to become a millionaire. It’s about having the means to live life on your own terms and enjoy the freedom to make decisions that align with your values and aspirations.

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Picture this: with financial resources at your disposal, you can reclaim your time by outsourcing tasks that weigh you down. Imagine having the financial means to hire a professional cleaner who maintains your home regularly, liberating valuable hours that can be devoted to pursuing your passions or cherishing quality moments with your loved ones. Furthermore, financial freedom can enable you to reside in a desirable neighborhood, relishing the advantages of a safe and vibrant community, superior amenities, and an enriching environment. It broadens your horizons, opens doors to boundless opportunities, and empowers you to embrace the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.

Let me share my personal journey: When I ventured into the online business world fresh out of university, I had doubts. My previous jobs, like cleaning office buildings, were far from fulfilling, and I vowed to never settle for work that didn’t bring me joy. That’s when I started my first business: teaching my native language, German, online.

One common complaint among my students was the difficulty of German grammar, so I dedicated myself to creating a book that would make learning it easy and enjoyable. This book became my first product, and I decided to release it under a “pay what you want” model.

Building my business required stepping out of my comfort zone, investing countless hours, and committing substantial funds upfront. I encountered challenges along the way, but one fateful day, an email arrived in my inbox with the subject line: “You’ve made a sale!”

What was truly incredible is that not only had I never met the person who bought the book, but they also gave me 80 € (~ $84.03) for it! I was amazed and super excited.

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The feeling of liberation and excitement was unparalleled. A huge weight had lifted off my shoulders. The fear that I had to work at a job I don’t like lifted and never came back.

I realized that I could create value for my audience and be handsomely rewarded in return. That’s the essence of financial freedom: the ability to create something valuable that people will readily pay you for.

That’s the value cycle! You create something of value for your chosen audience, and they exchange value in the form of money with you. It’s not only a win-win, but a completely fantastic and respectful relationship!

Now my goal is to get you to that moment as soon as possible. I want to teach you the skill of creating income on demand.

The moment you get that money email is the moment you know you are in complete control of your income in life.

Now ask yourself this:

  1. How would an additional $1,000 of monthly income transform your life today?
  2. Imagine earning an extra $10,000 per month—how would it impact your life?
  3. If you earned a million dollars a year solely from interest on investments, how would your life look?

Freedom of Time: Design Your Dream Day and Reclaim Your Precious Hours

Freedom of time empowers you to reclaim ownership of your precious hours and spend them as you desire. It liberates you from the Sunday dread—the unease that arises as the workweek approaches—and allows you to take charge of how you invest your time.

Consider how you currently spend your days. How much of your time is truly your own? How often do you do exactly what you want — exactly what you chose to do? What percentage of your time is dedicated to activities that you personally choose, not those chosen for you by others?

However, with freedom of time, you are in complete control of what you do and when you do it. A freedom business gives you the opportunity to do all the things you want to do!

Envision a life where you wake up feeling fully rested and excited about the day ahead. Imagine spending quality time with loved ones, engaging in activities that inspire you, and having the flexibility to explore your passions. With a freedom business, you have the freedom to design your day according to your preferences and priorities. No longer will you say, “I don’t have time for that.”

In stark contrast, a mundane 9-to-5 job can feel suffocating, with an alarm rudely awakening you, long commutes, and hours spent on unfulfilling work. Exhausted, you go to bed knowing that tomorrow will simply repeat the same cycle.

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But with a freedom business, you embrace a different reality—one where your day aligns with your aspirations.

Instead of being controlled by your job, you are in control. You shape your day and choose what happens when.

  • You wake up rejuvenated, letting your body dictate when it’s time.
  • Excitement fills your mind as you embark on activities you’re passionate about.
  • You savor precious moments with family and friends, creating lasting memories and deepening your relationships. Breakfast with the kids? No problem! Take a break to hug your spouse, chat, and laugh? Go ahead, you’re your own boss!
  • You spend your workdays engaging your mind and letting your creativity flow as you create value for an audience you love to work with.
  • In the evenings, you do exactly what makes you happy.

Your freedom of time also intertwines with other forms of freedom.

  • You may have lunch with great friends (freedom of association), discussing everything under the sun.
  • In the afternoon, you might take a leisurely walk or go on a hike—thanks to your freedom of location, you live in an ideal setting for such activities.
  • You also have the freedom of vitality, dedicating as much time as you want to exercise, possibly with your family or friends.
  • Finally, you fall asleep feeling fulfilled, knowing that you’ve lived a day driven by a sense of purpose (freedom of purpose).

Reflect on the following questions:

  1. If you had complete control over your schedule, how would you structure your ideal day?
  2. Imagine having $1 million of passive income per year—how would you choose to spend your time?
  3. If you could take a month-long vacation without worrying about work, where would you go, and what activities would you engage in?

Design your dream day now—having this vision will provide you with the necessary strength and motivation as you build your online business.

Whenever you encounter a challenging day, become frustrated, or doubt yourself, remember your vision of the dream day. Focus on the lifestyle you are actively creating for yourself, and let it serve as the driving force to propel you forward.

Freedom of Location: Embrace a Life of Adventure and Exploration

Why do people choose to live where they do? Often, it’s solely determined by their job, and even the pandemic hasn’t altered that, as more people are being compelled to return to the office.

Plus, there’s the dreaded commute, eating up a significant portion of one’s day. Even the most delightful city can be spoiled by being stuck in traffic!

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Have you ever fantasized about living in a different city or region, even if only temporarily? How about exploring the world and immersing yourself in an entirely different environment? No chance with a conventional job!

But what if you could work from anywhere? What if you weren’t tied to a specific location?

Location freedom allows you to break free from the constraints of a fixed location. It’s the ability to work and live from anywhere in the world, unrestricted by geographical boundaries. With a laptop and an internet connection, you can create a business that supports your desire for adventure and exploration.

Picture yourself waking up to the sound of crashing waves on a beach in Bali, sipping coffee at a cozy café in Paris, or hiking through lush mountains in New Zealand. With a freedom business, you can choose where you want to be and make it a reality. No more waiting for vacation days or feeling tied down to a specific location.

Working on online business with view of lake

I had the privilege of spending a couple of remarkable years in Southeast Asia, and it was an incredible experience! Coming from the chilly climate of Berlin, I reveled in the warmth and sunshine. I had the pleasure of meeting fascinating, friendly, and kind-hearted people, both locals and fellow adventurers like myself.

I relished indulging in phở, pad thai, and nasi lemak — and if you’re not familiar with these delicacies, I highly recommend visiting Asia once you’ve achieved your freedom business!

Thanks to the freedom of location, I have the flexibility to reside in any city, be it Chiang Mai or Saigon in Asia, Berlin, Paris, Lisbon, or Barcelona in Europe, or even Beirut in the Middle East — the list goes on.

As long as there’s an internet connection, you can make that place your home, and nowadays, internet access is available virtually everywhere. (One valuable lesson I learned during my travels is how surprisingly well-connected some countries are, even if they are often labeled as “third world.”)

Consider the following questions:

  1. What does your ideal work environment look like? What conditions do you need to be most productive and creative?
  2. If you could live anywhere in the world right now, where would it be, and why?
    1. Envision your daily life in this new location. How would your life look like there?
  3. Imagine exploring different countries and immersing yourself in diverse cultures while successfully running your business — how would this enrich your life?
  4. If you could spend a year traveling and working remotely, which destinations would be at the top of your list?

Allow your mind to wander and indulge in brainstorming. Perhaps your ideal work location is a cozy café, a vibrant co-working space surrounded by other creative individuals, or even a peaceful beach where you can simultaneously work and enjoy the soothing waves. You might envision a splendid home office with a breathtaking view of your city, a sprawling park, majestic mountains, or the endless ocean.

Home office with view of a lake and mountains

Relationship Freedom: Nurture Connections and Build a Supportive Community

The people we surround ourselves with—colleagues, friends, family, acquaintances, and business partners—play a significant role in our lives. However, not all of them may be supportive of our ambitions and dreams. Have you ever shared your desire to build a freedom business with those around you? How did they react? Their responses can be telling, especially if they try to discourage you.

Phrases like “You know, 9 out of 10 businesses fail,” “I don’t think that’ll work,” or “People just want your money, don’t be a sucker!” are all too common for budding entrepreneurs to hear. It’s important to distance ourselves from those who criticize our ambitions, tell us we can’t achieve our dreams, and constantly provide reasons why we’ll fail.

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Sometimes, even within our own families, we may encounter challenging dynamics or toxic relationships that hinder our growth. In such cases, it becomes necessary to seek out our own tribe and create distance. We deserve to surround ourselves with people who uplift and support us, rather than retraumatize or discourage us.

On a brighter note, consider the inspiring communities you can associate yourself with instead. There are countless individuals out there who can positively impact your journey. As I build this community through my blog posts, I aim to create a space where we can all support one another.

Relationship freedom, or freedom of association, is about fostering meaningful connections and building a supportive community. It’s the ability to prioritize quality time with loved ones, surround ourselves with like-minded individuals, and create a network that empowers us.

In traditional jobs, relationships often take a backseat due to time constraints and demanding schedules. However, with a freedom business, you have the opportunity to design your life in a way that nurtures deeper connections:

  • You can schedule family dinners and outings without the worry of rushing back to work.
  • Engaging in social activities and hobbies that align with your interests allows you to connect with people who share your passion.
  • Joining communities and mastermind groups of entrepreneurs provides inspiration and motivation.

Reflect on the following questions:

  1. Take a moment to think about the people you spend the most time with. Do they energize you or drain your energy?
  2. How do you feel after being around them—happy and inspired or the opposite?
  3. Are there individuals you spend time with out of obligation rather than genuine connection?
  4. Who do you wish you could spend more time with on a daily and weekly basis?
    1. How would you strengthen these relationships if you had more time and flexibility?
    2. Imagine the feeling of being surrounded by these amazing people.
  5. What type of person would you love working with? What type of person would you like to work for?
  6. Imagine surrounding yourself with a community of supportive and like-minded individuals—how would that impact your personal and professional growth?
  7. If you had the freedom to attend networking events and conferences around the world, which ones would you choose?

Allow these questions to guide your reflections and envision the relationships and communities that will contribute to your journey towards a freedom business.

Co working community

Freedom of Purpose: Live a Life Aligned with Your Values and Passions

Have you ever wondered why you exist beyond taking care of yourself and your loved ones? What is your unique purpose in life? What are you meant to do with the time you have?

Your individual purpose is the reason you exist, and only you have the power to define it.

You are the author of your own story. Only you can decide why you are on this earth and what you are meant to do — not your parents, not your friends, not any government decides who you will be and what your legacy will be.

Freedom of purpose represented by hiking in forest with compass

Freedom of purpose is about living a life that aligns with your values, passions, and the larger impact you want to make in the world. It’s waking up each day with a sense of meaning and fulfillment, knowing that you are making a positive impact in the world and contributing to something greater than yourself.

In a conventional job, you might feel trapped, unfulfilled, or disconnected from your true calling. But with a freedom business, you have the opportunity to create a livelihood that resonates with who you are:

  • You can turn your passions into a profitable venture.
  • You can align your business with a cause or mission that you deeply care about.
  • You can make a difference in the lives of others and contribute to a better world.

Consider the following questions:

  1. What activities or endeavors bring you the most joy and fulfillment? What ignites your passion?
  2. If you had all the money you needed for the rest of your life, what would you spend the next three years doing? What projects or causes would you pursue?
  3. Envision a scenario where your work seamlessly integrates with your passions. What would that look like?
  4. Imagine waking up every day, knowing that your work is positively impacting others. How would it feel to make a difference in their lives?

Conclusion: Take Action to Create Your Freedom Business

The five Freedom Factors—Financial Freedom, Freedom of Time, Location Freedom, Relationship Freedom, and Freedom of Purpose—are the cornerstones of lifestyle design. By embracing these factors and aligning your business with them, you can create a life of freedom, flexibility, and profound fulfillment.

Now is the time to reflect upon the questions posed throughout this exploration. Use them as a guide to clarify your desires and define what freedom means to you. With a clear vision and a well-crafted plan, you can embark on the transformative journey of building a freedom business that enables you to live life on your own terms.

Remember, the path to freedom may not be easy, but it’s worth pursuing. Embrace the challenges, stay committed to your vision, and seek support when needed. With determination and perseverance, you can create a life of freedom and fulfillment. Good luck on your journey to building a freedom business and designing the life you desire!

Later on, I will share with you more types of freedom and how to pursue them.

Before diving into the next phase, it’s crucial to take action now. Review all the questions and answer them. If you can’t do it now, schedule it and make a commitment to do it within the next 24 hours. (See also: Take Action Now: The Key to Success and Achievement)

Don’t forget to have fun! Building a freedom business is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery, so enjoy the ride! If you don’t like writing, feel free to draw out your vision, create a dream board, or record your answers on your phone. It can also be very enlightening to discuss these questions with a friend.

Whatever approach you choose, be sure to document your answers in a way that allows you to revisit them in the future. This record will serve as a valuable reference point as you progress on your journey.

As you take action and forge your path, keep in mind that fulfillment and success are not mutually exclusive. Stay motivated and focused by exploring the insights on Your Fulfillment Factors: Fueling Energy, Motivation, and Creativity in Your Freedom Business, which will soon be available to provide you with the motivation and clarity needed to build a business you truly love.

So, seize this moment, take action, and embark on the remarkable journey of creating your freedom business. The power to design your life is in your hands—embrace it with passion and purpose!