3 Essential Ingredients *Before* You Start Your Online Business

In the first part of the series, we talked about why you might want to start an online business.

Now, let’s talk about 3 essential ingredients. A lack of these are the reason why most people fail when they’re starting an online business!


While going through this series, it will be very useful for you to have a notebook or note taking app ready. Do take action and make copious notes.

While going through the series and creating your ideal lifestyle, you can refer back to what you wrote and have much more clarity.

1. Designing Your Ideal Lifestyle


Lifestyle Design is deliberately choosing and pursuing the life you desire rather than accepting the one society gives you.

Global Job Dissatisfaction

Did you know that almost 80% of people are unfulfilled in their day job?

Global employee engagement has remained stable but low since the pandemic

Those people who are involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace are just 21% at the moment. 19% are even disgruntled because their workplace needs aren’t being met.

Sunday Evening Dread

To put it in more concrete terms, have you ever felt the “Sunday evening dread”? The feeling that Monday is around the corner and you just don’t want the weekend to end?

Why do we have expressions such as “happy Friday” and “hump day”? Instead, we should be excited that it’s Monday!

But people hit their snooze button over and over because they are emotionally detached from their job.

Some people even believe this is somehow normal and tell themselves to “just be patient”.

And even if you are somewhat satisfied, you might still be scared of being fired. Even though you have a pay check, someone else controls your income.

You might have to live in a place that you don’t want to live in.

You might have to pretend you are excited to work when you’d really rather be doing something else, something more fun or meaningful.

Something’s Gotta Change!

Living like this, at some point a person just can’t take it anymore.

Maybe at some point you’ll say to yourself: “I don’t want to live like this. I need to change something!”

There are different reasons why people come to this conclusion.


For some people, it was reading Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki that opened up their mind to the possibilities.

For me, it was coming across two great mentors.

I hope I can be a spark for you to ignite your passion.

What do you think? Are you ready to take that next step in your life?

I’m asking because the desire to take control and start a business is really key. Without it, I wouldn’t advise you to even start.

Even with our system, creating a business is not easy — you gotta work on it consistently. And if you stop, then you have wasted your time.

But if you stay with it, the rewards will be great.

I want you to feel excited every day! No more Sunday evening dread: I want you to wake up and be energized by the thought

That is why I only work with individuals who are ready to change. Are you ready?

Designing Your Ideal Lifestyle

In the following parts of this series, I will help you design your ideal lifestyle so that you can build a business around it.

Such a business gives you the freedom to be yourself.

Coming soon:

2. Creating a Freedom Business from the Beginning


A Freedom Business is a business that generates a continuous income while providing you with the lifestyle you design for as long as you desire.

What NOT to Do

The worst thing you can do is to start an online business without designing your ideal lifestyle.

Because even if you succeed, you’ll be miserable!

One of my business mentors initially started an eBay business where they made thousands of dollars every week but had to constantly prepare and ship packages. If he skipped a day, he had to ship out that much more the next.

Financially, he was super successful but he couldn’t even take a vacation!

That’s not what I want for you.

How to Build a Freedom Business

An application of conscious lifestyle design is building a Freedom Business.

In following parts of this series we will explore how exactly you can design a business around your passions and skills so it’s not a drudgery at all but something that energizes and excites you.

You will learn to design a business that you are happy with long term and that generates continuous income in line with your chosen lifestyle.

If we had to bet on what variables best predict life satisfaction anywhere in the world our money would certainly go on freedom and control.
― Paolo Verme (Italian Economist)

Coming soon:

  • Single Motivating Purpose
  • Choose an Audience
  • Choose a Problem to Solve

3. Demonstrating Success Behaviors


Success Behaviors are the critical ways of thinking and acting that will lead you to your desired outcome — a lifestyle of freedom and fulfillment.

Lastly, it’s all about acting in such a way that success is almost guaranteed.

When we are building one or even more businesses, we want to employ the mindset and behaviors that lead to our desired outcome, namely a lifestyle of freedom and fulfillment.

Success behaviors include:

Whenever I’ve seen people fail, it was usually because they were lacking in one of these behaviors.

On the other hand, the success behaviors were essential not only to my success, but also the success of countless other online entrepreneurs. By following them, you’ll get the same results.


In fact, you already demonstrating a success behavior: Because you are reading this, you’ve already embraced your desire and started by making the first step.

Since most people feel anxiety when it comes to starting their own business, and it especially leads them to procrastination and perfectionism, let’s start with facing our fears in the next part.