Get your own super fast website! (All Inclusive Offer)

At Faetools, we are dedicated to providing tools for people with a mission.

In our digital age, what better way to follow your mission than through your own website?

Don’t worry, we will handle everything for you so that you can focus on creating value, spreading knowledge, and sharing your mission.

100% Quality: Only The Best

Pagespeed test of website with top performance

We believe in excellence. When investing in your own “Faesite”, you will get exactly that.

You will get:

MetricBenefit For You
Top PerformanceOur websites load fast — super fast!
Even a delay of milliseconds can make the difference between someone visiting your site or abandoning their visit prematurely. With our top performance, even someone on low quality mobile data will be able to access your site.
Guaranteed AccessibilityDid you ever visit a website and had just an awful experience reading and navigating?
By following best practices, all users will be able to access your content and navigate your site effectively.
Best PracticesOf course, we follow all the best practices essential to delivering a great user experience on the web.
Top SEO (Search Engine Optimization)No matter which search engine your users prefer, we want you to be on top of the search results!
We achieve this by helping search engines index your site and give them all the indicators of a top quality website they would want to show to their users.

Try and submit this site to any website performance calculator online, e.g.! Then try any other site to see the difference in quality.

100% Service: Count On Us To Help

Person prototyping and designing a website and app for mobile

We’re here to help you with all your needs.

Don’t know much about technology? No worries, we’ll help you.

Have an issue with your site? No worries, we’ll help you resolve it.

Want to do something fancy? No worries, we’ll find a solution for you.

ServiceWhat You Will Get
DomainWe will help you pick and acquire a domain, if you don’t already have one.
Website DesignYou will be able to choose from one of our existing designs or we will create a design for you according to your needs!
HostingWe will completely cover the hosting of your website.
Website BackupWe will back up every single version of your site — and we will keep those backups for an unlimited time!
SSL CertificateWe will provide you with an SSL security certificate so that the connection of the server to client is encrypted.
Regular DeploysWe deploy new versions of your site every day! This way, your users stay up-to-date with your latest content.
SecurityYour site will be virtually unhackable. This is because we’re building your entire site from scratch every single day.
Easy ChangesWant to quickly make a blog post? With our content management system, it’s as easy as breathing!
Automatic RedirectsWant to change the location (slug) of a page? We’ll make sure visits to the old location get redirected to the new location and your visitors don’t see a 404.
Anything TechnicalHave a question or concern about anything technical? We’ll be there to help!
Full SupportWe will respond to any query you might have within 24 hours.

100% Affordable: Small Investment For A Big Mission

Affordable investment that grows over time

All of the benefits are available to you for only 50€ a month.

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